Friday, May 18, 2012

You know you’re a mama when...

You have spit up all over your chest and don’t even realize it You’re excited about an awesomely poopy diaper You’re thrilled about more than 30 minutes of sleep You can prepare dinner at warp speed and various other activities (using the bathroom?)

Wow. Chase is now just over five weeks old and it has been too fast, too furious. Things have been going well and everyone is doing awesome. As far as I’m concerned anyway, seeing as how I have nothing to compare to.

Chase is just hanging out, doing his baby thing. Steve and I feel like he cries quite a bit at night, but he actually only cries for about an hour (straight, OMG) each night and then things are good. He rarely flips out during the day anymore and just cries when he needs something. Then, he only cries for maybe five or 10 minutes. He’s a cool little guy. I think we’re finally starting to figure this baby thing out and that Chase is settling into his new life. He still takes crap naps (unless he’s attached to myself or Steve) and only sleeps for about 1.5/2 hours at a time at night. I think part of that is because we're still learning to eat with his tongue clipped and all that jazz. However, when he eats good, he does sleep good - three hours straight one night. Wooo!!!

Let’s see, what else. He likes Bob Marley, Method Man, and Matisyahu...hates Coldplay, but who can blame him? He loves white noise, so we sleep with the bathroom fan on all the time. He also likes the vacuum cleaner and that works out for keeping the floors clean. Ha! I just put him in the sling or Ergo and do it up.

He got circumcised last week and that was probably more traumatic than labor. Nothing makes you feel like an awful, horrible mama than hearing your baby scream bloody murder (note: I didn’t even want to get it done, it was all Steve). The doctor told us that we could take the bandages off that night, so we did AND we almost had to call 911. He was bleeding like crazy, screaming, I was crying, Steve was worried; it was just an all around bad time. If we have another kid, I pray for a girl. I don’t know if I could do that again, for something that I don’t agree with.

Co-sleeping and baby wearing are saving my life! I’ve tried putting him in his little co-sleeping crib, but he won’t have anything to do with it. Oh well, we do just fine cuddled up together and we sleep a reasonable amount. Same with baby wearing. It’s so much easier to wear him when we’re out and about than lug that giant infant carrier around. Screw that. People comment on how it must be easier to wear him and I have to agree. I need to buy more carriers, but the world of baby wearing is slightly overwhelming and I’m still navigating it.

He’s been gaining awesome weight and is 10lbs now. He officially smiled this morning and has been smiling a lot today. I’ve tried to take pictures, but I guess he’s camera shy (AKA mama is really slow).

I guess that’s about it for now. He’s waking up from his nap, so I need to handle that.