Tuesday, August 16, 2011

6 weeks today! +/- a day

I left you guys last time with my fears of a low hCG count and all sorts of semi-irrational thoughts, but I’m happy to report that I was a spaz for nothing. I went from an 840 count to just under 3400 in 72 hours. Yah!! Not to mention the fact that shortly afterwards, I finally started getting some indications that there may be some brewing going on with the little Terminator. While I have managed to only blow chunks once (yesterday), I have been nauseous for the past few days. No complaints though, I’m excited to feel something going on. :-) I mainly get nauseous when I’m driving, (MY DRIVING, not Steve's) which is really no surprise since I’m a terrible driver. 

Steve and I have already been looking into baby gear and I have to show some sort of restraint and not buy everything I see. We’re still up in the air about whether or not we’ll find out the babies sex or if we’ll even get an ultra sound. Since I’m with a midwife, I’d have to figure out how to get to a facility to get said ultra sound. I don’t know. Seems like a lot of unnecessary work to just satisfy a personal urge with no real medical reason to do it (unless something happened and it became medically necessary). However comma...the thought of getting green and yellow crap makes me want to vomit. I suppose I can just get the bare minimum and get whatever else later. Steve and I were joking that we would have two Amazon carts, one for a boy and one for a girl. As I have the baby, he’ll just run downstairs to the computer and buy the appropriate cart. Sounds feasible. Haha!

We did pick a crib out that we like - Arms Reach - it looks like an awesome co-sleeper, so I can keep the little guy next to me at night. 
Question for all my mama friends: did you buy one or two car seats? 

I really don’t have much to talk about at this point. I just don’t want to fall off the wagon and not write weekly or I’ll forget about this and never do it. Time to get ready for yoga! 

Monday, August 8, 2011

Should be sleepin'...

but instead I'm creepin'. What does that even mean? Who knows.

So, the last few days have been pretty worrisome for me. Overall, I feel like the normal champion that I am, but I've been having some mild to moderate cramping. My friend Wendy (XOXO) said not to worry and that it's normal, but I am a spazoid and went to the clinic to get my hCG level checked. I was at an 840, which apparently isn’t bad or good. I don’t know. She said that she can’t really tell anything until I go back in on Thursday (gotta wait 48 hours) for another draw to see if I’m making adequate gains. Talk about being stressed the bad word out!

To top it all off I am so stressed and freaked out, I comforted myself by eating Burger King for lunch. Gross. I don’t even like BK (or any fast food really…but it was there and I thought I needed it – I did NOT need it though, I just felt nasty afterwards. Nothing says greasy, fat, pig like the BK).

After that fiasco, I spoke with Tricare about this whole homebirth thing. While the ladies that work in Tricare are super helpful and want to do everything in their power to make things go smoothly, they did not know how to handle me. They said I was a rarity. So. New(ish) plan of action: gotta switch to Tricare Standard. I’m not 100% sure how the payment and all that fun stuff will work, but we’ll figure it out. My appointment with my midwife (Suzy) is on Wednesday evening and she has experience working with Tricare, so I’m sure she’ll have some advice about what to do. 

Final run down: Wednesday -  meeting with Suzy. Thursday - 2nd draw to check hCG level and a required OB orientation on base. 

I don’t want to speak too soon about this blog, but I may actually be able to keep up with it. It’s an outlet for me to talk about all the baby stuff I want and no one has to listen to me. You can quit reading anytime you want! Magic! 

Saturday, August 6, 2011

I'm with child!

Hello boys and girls!
Let me preface this entire blog by saying - if you are easily offended, then you should probably stop reading right here. I will more than likely make you angry at some point or another if you choose to continue reading. Don't say I didn't warn you. Moving on...

Ok, so I'm almost five weeks pregnant. Yah! I'm still in complete and total shock and most of the time I've convinced myself that it's not real and there was a crazy mix up at the lab. Hey, it's military doctors. It could happen. As of right now, I feel pretty much the same as I did a week ago. Give or take a little bit of sore boobs. :-)

SN: I'm really hesitant to tell too many people about this in the event that the Terminator doesn't stick. Like legit freaking out. It's easier to untell a few people versus everyone under the sun. However, with that being said, I just can't help myself! I have a problem!

I had already given some thought to the birth process and what type of person I would be willing to work with during this awesome time. I've decided to go with a Certified Nurse Midwife (CNM) and do a  home birth. Steve is on board with this, it has been fully discussed, and if you feel the need to judge our decisions - please keep it to yourself. Or talk about us (me) behind our (my) back. I don't really care, just leave us alone about it. Along with that comes a whole slew of other decisions that have been made and it's already caused some issues with my wonderful, 'o so supportive mother. We'll save that for next weeks blog or something. Gotta have something to write about later, you know?

With that, I will leave you until next week. I am pretty much a failure of a blogger, so we'll see how long I actually last with this. I have every intention on posting once a week and I'll start including pictures once something actually happens. By the way, how do I include pictures in this thing?! I'm pretty dumb...but if you're my friend, you already know that.

Until next time....