Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Milk is good

And not the stuff that you get from the store...the good ‘ole non-homogenized, non-pasturized, gotta shake it to drink it stuff. No raw milk for me while in Montgomery, but I did find a place (EarthFare) that carries non-homogenized and that is just as good IMO.

Moving on.

There comes a time when you have to stop caring about what others think of you and just do whatever the hell you feel like doing. Granted, there is a fine line between doing what YOU want to do and being rude/mean/selfish and I will probably teeter back and forth over said line, but there is a line. What is my point in saying this? It seems like every time someone talks to me about MY baby (none of my personal friends, just people who want to talk to me because I’m obviously pregnant) I find myself avoiding answering questions. Or at a minimum avoiding my personal reasons/decisions to the answer of the questions that are asked. One of the biggest issues, is the unmedicated birth. Not even home birth. Just simple unmedicated, NO DRUGS, birth. While I know that this particular aspect of labor is not for everyone and would never push my personal believes or views on anyone else, it is still a hot topic. People say things to me like, “Why would you do that?!” “OH NO, I WANT MY EPI!” “What’s the point, you get a baby either way.” And my all time favorite, “I WANT a C-Section.”
Now, all of these comments are fine and well, but why do I find myself under attack for my decisions and yet refusing to go into depth about the WHY’s of said decisions because I feel bad and don’t want to feel like I’m attacking your view points and beliefs. If that made any sense whatsoever. I all comes down to my response being, “Just because I feel it’s right for me,” so that I don’t feel like I’m bashing your decisions...even though they're bashing mine. Here’s some fun facts for ya about myself:
1. I want a natural birth. Not to be a hero, but because I truly believe that it is better for my baby. I don’t even care about myself, but I feel that it’s better for me too. Chase won’t be getting a VitK shot, eye goop, or any of that other new born stuff. His baby cheese will get rubbed in and he will not get a bath for a while. As in days.
2. Yes, we’re going to cloth diaper. No, it is not as difficult as you think it is and while there are still diapers out there like the ones from the 80’s, there are other options now. Yet again, I feel like this is better for Chase and it makes sense financially.
3. We will be doing an alternate vaccination schedule and will not vaccinate according to the CDC schedule. This particular blog is already way too long, so I will not go into this in detail.
4. I will be extremely picky about what products touch Chase’s skin. No J&J for my boy. My theory behind that is that I’m picky about what I use on myself, why would I not be picky about what I use on Chase. Check out the Skin Deep Cosmetics Database to find out what kind of products you’re using:
I’m sure there’s more, but I’ve gone on and on enough. Now, onto a light note...

I’m 29 weeks now and we’re plugging right along. It’s been really difficult to maintain any sort of healthy lifestyle being stuck in a tiny hotel room with only a microwave and mini fridge, but we're making do. I’m determined to stay on track, stay healthy, and minimize risking out for a home birth. Steve yells at me to not over do “it” - whatever “it” is - and tells me to do all of my exercises. I’ve also been going to yoga at the gym on base that is conviently located next door to our building. I’m going to NC on Thursday until Monday for a baby shower that my mom is begrudgingly hosting, so that should be a good time (read atomic meltdown). Overall, I feel awesome still and things are running smoothly.

And that, my little lovelies, is all for now.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Ranting, if to no one but myself.

When I’m bored or trying to kill time I have an addiction to message boards that have anything to do with pregnancy, babies, parenting, feminism, eco-living…you get the point. Through all of my Internet gallivanting, my favorite is BabyCenter.com’s monthly birth board. Since I am due in April 2012, I am a part of the April 2012 message board. I do NOT like this board because it is informational or anything like that. I like it purely because majority of the people who post things provide endless entertainment - and not in a good way.

The most recent attraction was a post about breastfeeding (BF’ing). I try to not let these posts or fake people (Yes, I know that they are real people, but if I can’t see them, they don’t exists) bother me, but sometimes these crazies really get my blood ah boiling. The post was focused on BF’ing in public and it got pretty ridiculous. Most people were in the school of thinking that breasts are sexual and should be treated as such. A. You’re an idiot if you think that. B. You’re an idiot if you think that. I’m sorry if that offends any of my close friends, I really do apologize…But I’m sure my close friends would never think that. Moving on. The next huge issue within the post was whether you should have to cover yourself in public or not. I am totally on board with those girls who wish to cover themselves for whatever their reason. You do what makes you and your kid comfortable and happy. However, with that being said, do NOT judge other people’s decisions to NOT cover. Do I plan to cover myself? Nope. There are a few exceptions, but that is solely based on my personal comfort level. If my dad or FIL (father-in-law) are around, I would probably opt to go to another room to feed Mr. Chase…if that’s not an option, then I would probably cover. Once again, that’s just my own personal hang-up.

With all of that being said, here is my rebuttal for a few of the arguments that were going on.
1. You should cover yourself to BF, no one wants to see your breast.
A. If a baby is latched on, you’re not going to see much. You need to get over yourself.
B. You cover your head to eat and let me know how you feel. Or go to a bathroom to eat.
2. I don’t want my six-year-old seeing breasts.
A. Maybe you should use that as an opportunity to open a discussion with your six-year-old
about the actual function of a breast. Maybe they will learn to see them differently as
they grow up…America over sexualizes everything.
3. I don’t want my husband seeing another woman’s breast. (That was a real comment! I can’t make
this stuff up!)
A. I really don’t feel like I have to say much in regard to this. Really??
4. You should stay/go home to feed your baby.
A. Am I supposed to never leave my house?!

I think I should probably stop there. I realize that my viewpoints could change as I haven’t even spit this little guy out yet, but as of now, this is where I stand. I could probably go on, but that’s probably not very productive for me or any one. Plus, I’m really hungry.

Pictures to come soon. :-)
I’ve been looking for a funny cartoon or something to lighten the mood of this post, but I’m getting annoyed and even more hungry. I’m about to eat my arm off soon if I don’t do something about this...fare thee well!

Monday, January 2, 2012

Well hello all you lovely boys and girls and welcome to the New Year! I hope that this year has began just as fabulous as mine. We haven’t really done much but hang out, but who cares? I have Steve and Chase and that’s the beginning of a good year to me.

I’m 26 weeks today and that’s pretty rad. I feel amazing, but I have noticed that I have to slow down a bit - especially toward the end of the day if I’ve been running around all day. I gots things to do though, yo! LOL! Chase is a laid back kicker thus far, only kicking the crap out of me a handful of times...but he’s definitely kicking all the time. He loves to kick and kick and when I raise my shirt so that Steve and I can see, he quits. I guess he gets cold or shy. Shy would be interesting considering I am far from it.

We’ve started preparing for an eight week stint in Montgomery, AL starting on Sunday. When we get back in March, I’ll be 35 weeks! Holy macaroni and cheese! I’m starting to get a little nervous, but nothing too out of control. Steve will be a great coach and Suzy and Trina are great. I also read a lot of natural birth boards to hear positive messages versus the negativity that comes with wanting a home birth/natural. Which is beyond strange to me, since I’m not the one doping my kid up with all sorts of junk and doing unnecessary interventions. I’m all about informed consent and if you are informed and still chose to do things differently, more power to you. I just ask that everyone inform themselves about your choices and what you DO have a choice in. Ok, that was my spill. I probably should have left that alone, but for the people who truly know me - they know that I can’t ever really leave anything alone. I love everyone! Puppy dogs and rainbows to all!!! :-)

On a lighter note, I’m attaching some pics of what we’ve got put together for the babester thus far. Not too much going on in the way of that, just wanted to share.

26 Weeks, yo!
PhotobucketThe yellow blanket was Steve’s when he was little! The multi-colored was made by my bro-in-law’s umm...friend that’s a girl and the green one was made by a mom of one of my students. Super sweet!
Thanks Adam and Ally!! Chase has a cute game day outfit AND a possible Halloween costume! Too cute!!!!
Cloth diaper stash: We only have 13 so far, working on getting more. Tiffany (Bradley instructor) is going to give us a dozen pre-folds with some covers, so we’re pretty excited about that.

And that’s all folks! I swear I tried to make this shorter as far as getting the pics next to each other versus below, but I can’t figure out what I did last time. Who really knows. It’s about my bed time. Until next time...