Sunday, September 25, 2011

12 weeks tomorrow!!

Or something like that. I’m terrible with dates.

Not a whole lot has been going on lately. We did have an appointment with the midwife this past Friday and heard the heartbeat again. It’s starting to become a little more real now, so that’s a bonus. Another bonus is that I feel pretty awesome. I don’t really feel anymore nausea and I’m not nearly as tired as I was a few weeks ago.

I’ll probably take a little while off from posting unless something noteworthy happens. I think once a week is a bit much to just say nothing is going on. In another few weeks, I’ll start posting pics of myself. Right now, I still look the same and I’ve even lost a few pounds. I attribute that to the fact that I chase 1st graders around all day, so I guess those little clowns are a blessing.

First big purchase for the Terminator:


What do you think? It’s a co-sleeper and attaches to the bed. It’s also portable and turns into all sorts of other things, so I thought it was pretty rad. It’s also not a million dollars and Steve thinks THAT is rad. Here’s a YouTube video about it in case anyone cares:

I pretty much just wanted to use my newly acquired skizz-als of how to embed a picture and video into the blog. Haha!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Drugs are bad, ummK...

A couple of days ago, I was driving home from school, thinking about how much I absolutely love first graders (insert sarcasm), and I realized something. I have zero mama skills. Or my maternal instinct is broken. Obviously, this is more in jest than truth, but I’ve been having a lot of trouble with these kids. They legit make me want to jump off a bridge (not really, calm down). Some of the things that they say are just awesomely ridiculous. And not necessarily in a good way either.

Anyway, moving away from that. Last week, I began freaking out (yes, I realize this is starting to become a pattern) about the loss of symptoms. I woke up one day and I felt great. Ready to conquer the world! I knew that eventually everything was supposed to even out hormonal wise, but so soon? Was I not prepared to feel relatively normal again? What kind of masochist am I? Apparently one who likes to feel sick and tired all day.
Point is, Suzy gave me three options: do blood work again (which would take forever, since you have to do two draws), get an ultrasound, or calm down and trust that everything is a-ok. Let’s just stay Steve gave me a little bit of a hard time about wanting an U/S when I was so indifferent (pretty much against) them. So, I got the stinkin’ U/S and I feel great about it. Hopefully this will alleviate my worries - for now - and I’ll start to actually calm the F down. Terminator was hanging out in there and wiggling around like crazy and his/her little heart was going at about 175bpm. Steve and I were really in awe of the whole thing. Crazy Terminator.

Then....a few days later, sickness returns with a vengeance. I guess I asked for it. Oh well. I really need to A. Stop freaking out and B. Well, I don’t really have a B...but if you have an A, you have to have a B. Whatever. It probably didn’t help that I had a cold, but I’m pretty much back to normal now. I need  motivation to get over this lazy slump that I’ve been in, but the minute I get home from school, I have no desire to do much of anything. I’m working on it though. I had an awesome night of yoga last night, I came home tonight and put dinner in the oven, cleaned, and meal planned for grocery shopping tomorrow. Well, now that I have rambled on about crap that no one really cares about...let’s take a look at Terminator!

Yah! I figured out how to upload stuff. Now things are really serious. Probably not. I don’t know what I’m even saying at this point. I honestly just want to eat and go to sleep. Oh, but I can’t eat! Because I sat the timer for 30 minutes only to take the chicken out and realize that I never turned the freakin’ oven on. AWESOMEDFKGJDLFKGJREOTUGFGJ!!! Punching baby seals right now!

Friday, September 2, 2011

It was the best of times...

well, it’s not really the worst of times. I’ll just leave it at that. Pop quiz, what is the origin of that quote? It is but a small part of a major opening line...moving on.

There really isn’t anything to speak of currently. We did have our first official appointment with our midwife on August 26th and that went really well. She just addressed any concerns that I had and we talked for about an hour. Next appointment is September 23rd and we’ll supposedly be able to hear the baby’s heartbeat. I’m still torn between the use of a doppler and an old fashioned fetoscope (pretty much a stethoscope). Maybe use the doppler for September’s appointment and switch to the fetoscope thereafter. I have a few weeks to think about it, but it would be nice to hear the heartbeat (or have Suzy hear the heartbeat).

We’ve started our cloth diaper collection and let me tell you, it is difficult to not buy all the super cute girly ones. I will admit that I did buy two girly one, but I figure if we have a boy then we can just make sure his bottom is covered and no one has to know that he’s wearing Hello Kitty. Steve just shakes his head at this. :-) I also hope that out of the two kids we plan on having that one will be a girl. Fingers crossed.

I haven’t had any terrible symptoms and I’ve still only blown chunks once. I do feel nauseous a bit, but that’s really no big deal. Everyday at school, we do the Pledge followed by the National Anthem and I legit thought things were about to get ugly while I was singing today. I was lucky though and held it together. I don’t think the kids would have let it go if I would have puked during the National Anthem. All in all, everything is going pleasantly well. Symptoms = good = lets me know that everything is ok.

On an unrelated note, GO TIGERS!