Sunday, October 16, 2011

Hello 2nd Trimester!

Well, it’s been three weeks since my last post...still not a whole lot to report on. I’ll be 15 weeks tomorrow and I feel pretty decent.

My only complaint is that I get these super awful cramps after I eat. Every stinkin’ time! It is seriously making me doubt my ability to handle pain later down the road. I mean, these cramps are terrible. They only last for about 15 minutes and come in waves during said 15 minutes, but geeeeez!!!

A few of my friends have been asking for pictures, but honestly there’s not a whole lot to show. I just look fat. I’m posting a picture anyway, but I’m slightly embarrassed by how fat/bloated I look now compared to how I looked several weeks ago. Yeah, yeah, I know. I’m pregnant. That’s why I’m a chunkster right now, but I can complain. :-)

Here’s my awful 15 week picture. I’ll be sure to do something to my hair and face for next weeks picture. I guess I’ll start taking pictures once a week now, but I probably won’t post them every week. I think it will be pretty rad to see all the pics side by side in the end.

15 Weeks
So, I look chunky, right? I keep telling Steve, “At least I still have skinny ankles” to which he replies, “And wrists!” I can’t button most of my jeans anymore and this caused a huge melt down a couple of weeks ago. When I look in the mirror, I don’t see baby, I see fat girl. This is one of the biggest battles that I am fighting with myself right now.