1. Pure vanity. The thought of getting green and yellow stuff made me want to puke green and yellow. I would lose it if everything we had were covered in yellow duckies and green frogs. Gag me now.
2. Between my hormones and everything else, I’ve been slightly depressed and not really connected to this whole pregnancy. My thought was that knowing if it was a boy or girl would help me bond with the little guy better. We shall see if that helps.
Another thing that Steve and I have looked into and will 99.9% do is placenta encapsulation. What in the world is that?! Well, it’s just what it sounds like - breaking the placenta down and putting it into little pills. Some people eat theirs, but I don’t think I’m quite on that level yet. I’ve done tons of research on it and it has no negative effects, it helps or it doesn’t. It has many positive aspects to it, one being a combative against post partum depression – something that I’m nervous about considering family history and personal history. This is something that I will also get grief about and people will say I’m gross, but just remember…I don’t/won’t judge your decisions. ☺
Everything has been going well and I feel amazing. By the end of the day, I’m tired, but I would probably be tired if I weren’t pregnant. These kids really know how to drain you.
Our little soccer player’s feet!
Well hello, Chase Benson!
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!! <3